As new cases of the COVID19 coronavirus continue to emerge around the world, organizations everywhere are facing a brand new set of questions with implications for how and when they communicate. Your words, whether spoken to external or internal audiences, need to be clear, accurate, precise, and empathic. And they need to be prudently selected, since the facts on the ground can change in an instant.

Our coronavirus crisis training program draws on the same time-tested, systematic communications methodology we teach in standard crisis training, as well as in narrative/message training, media training for print and broadcast, and presentation training. Like almost all our workshops, it can be delivered in person or remotely. Working with you prior to the session or sessions, we create a credible, realistic scenario that is directly relevant to your organization.  We present it in a "war room" with you and your group’s leadership.  You engage in a realistic crisis brainstorm, then you put your skills to the test in a series of either mock live press conferences or internal employee communications. In either case, you have the opportunity to practice handling rapid-fire Q&A.  And yes, we offer this training remotely via most online conferencing platforms.

Dunlop Media has more than two decades of experience working with the health care industry, from large pharmaceutical companies to biotech startups to the Centers for Disease Control. Some of the organizations we’ve worked with are listed on our clients page.