The death of George Floyd in Minnesota is a crime against humanity. It flies in the face of everything we believe in. At Dunlop Media, we feel this all the more because of our family’s ties to the University of Minnesota, a world-class institution whose alumni include many colleagues and personal friends.
We support organizations that work for non-violent change to ensure that what happened to Mr. Floyd never happens again, and that the attitudes and prejudices that created the toxic climate where this could happen are never again allowed to fester. In that spirit, we at Dunlop Media have decided to allocate this year’s charitable contribution budget to the work of the Minneapolis Chapter of the NAACP.
The US Declaration of Independence puts it well: by virtue of our humanity, we are all endowed with the unalienable right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. These rights are inseparable from the nature of the human person. Too many of us have taken these principles for granted. Let this be a watershed moment where we begin to appreciate their profound truth once again.
Steve Dunlop, President
Lisa M. Duchin, Managing Partner